Child Healthcare Rally

April 11, 2013

In the News

Reporter: James Buechele, WCTV, posted 3:33, updated 5:20


The group KidsWell Florida was out at the Capitol Wednesday looking to help insure thousands of children.

Under current law, children who qualify for the state’s KidCare program have to wait 5 years before being covered. Scott Casey, a single-father himself, knows this first-hand.

His son, who’s 10, needed mental health care last year. But because of the waiting period, Casey had to pay out-of-pocket for it.

“Now he has the care that he needs,” said Casey at a press conference Wednesday. “I just wish at the time that he would have been able to quickly, and I urge the legislators of this state to pass this bill.”

Florida ranks third in the nation for uninsured kids. If legislation is passed, more than 20,000 children would be insured right away.

HB4023 and SB704 still have a ways to go before they become law. That’s why proponents are here at the Capitol during children’s week asking for support.

Activist Margarita Romo even made a direct plea to the speaker of the house, Will Weatherford.

“Mr. Weatherford,” said Romo. “You know I love you and I ask you to come forth and help us. I want everyone to come together. This is the time. This is the place.”


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