Guaranteed Medicaid Eligibility for Young Adults Who Have Aged Out of Foster Care

July 11, 2013

Blog, Resources

Linda Merrell
Florida Child Healthcare Coalition Chair

July 12, 2013

Closed doors for youth aging out of the foster care system has been a long and troubled journey for hundreds of thousands of young people who are no longer in the nurturing care of a supportive child welfare system.

So the “good news” under the Affordable Care Act that expands Medicaid coverage to  youth previously in foster care to age 26, like the provision to cover children to age 26 on their parents’ insurance, is a significant victory.

This is a message to be shared, promoted and shouted out from child health care advocates and a  caring society. Join with the KidsWell Florida statewide collaborative  working together to assure access to affordable,quality health care for all children.

Click here for a fact sheet on Guaranteed Medicaid Eligibility for Young Adults who have aged out of Foster Care.

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